You are currently viewing MEET.YOGA


What exactly is that?

There is a new yoga studio in town: MEET.YOGA. They offer classes in a wide range of disciplines, from Ashtanga, Hata, and Iyengar, to air yoga, ball, wall rope, wheel and physical therapy yoga. You may take individual classes or join one of the small groups (6-10 people) for one hour sessions.

MEET.YOGA instructors speak very good English and have experience working with foreigners. It is precisely for that last reason that MEET.YOGA dispenses with the cumbersome membership model, but offers both a pay-as-you-go option (for 80RMB per lesson) and a card with 50 lessons that will cost you 3000RMB.

When is this?

The small group sessions happen from Monday to Sunday at times varying from an 11:40 to a 19:15 start.

Where can I find it?

MEET.YOGA is located just off Nanjing Bridge, on the Changbai side of the river, at a place called Diamond of the Azure.

MEET YOGA studio location in Shenyang China

This Post Has 3 Comments

  1. Maria

    Hi Julie!

    I will be moving to Shenyang in July. It would be good to get to know you and attend to your classes. Maybe we can talk per pm. We will also bring our dog so in addition to yoga clases maybe you could give us some advices related to the dog.
    Looking forward to visit your studio!

    1. Journeys & Jaunts

      Hi Maria!
      The yoga studio is not mine, we were just introducing it. But if you send an email to , I can put you in touch with the owner (who speaks a bit of English). Welcome to Shenyang!

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