Let’s Dance @Black Sheep

What exactly is that?

Let’s Dance is a monthly event where dance aficionados get together to cut a rug, trip the light fantastic, shimmy, boogie, sway, strut or otherwise light up the dance floor. There is a different theme to the madness every month, so everyone gets to play dress-up. Past themes have included the 80s, 90s, 00s, famous movies and TV shows, etc. Also, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prizes are given out to the dancers with the most original costumes, and there will be free dance class tasters when it fits the theme.

Black Sheep restaurant and bar entrance in Shenyang China

Who is this for?

Dancers – duh! But seriously, if your foot starts tapping when you hear a good dancing tune, come check it out! Also, if playing dress-up is your thing and Halloween cannot come round often enough for your taste, then this is definitely your scene.

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